User agreement
This Agreement determines the procedure for using the Site by Users. Any User who uses the Site must comply with the terms of the Agreement. In addition to the terms of this Agreement, Users must comply with the terms of the appendices hereto.

1. Preamble

1.1. In accordance with the Agreement, the Company provides Users with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the displayed content of the Site by allowing the User to perceive the information reproduced by the Company on the Site.

1.2. Additionally, the Company provides Users with the opportunity to enter into legal relations with the Company by using the online store, under the conditions provided for in this Agreement and the offer, by providing the technical ability to use the relevant functionality of the Site.

1.3. The user who uses the Site is considered to be familiar with the terms of the Agreement in full and fully accepts their terms. In this case, the “Agreement” in this document also means all appendices to it. In turn, the Company undertakes to provide the User with a constant opportunity to study the Agreement by providing access on the Site.

1.4. By continuing to use the Site, the User confirms that he is not in a state of misconception (material or immaterial) regarding the functionality of the Site, the terms of the Agreement and his own actions. The User accepts that, in accordance with the Agreement, the Site is provided "AS IS" for use within the limits specified in the Agreement, including any updates, and the Company does not provide any guarantees (express or implied by law and/or business practices) regarding anything, including integrability, satisfactory quality and shelf life. The site is ready to be used for specific tasks. The Company also does not guarantee that the Site is error-free, will meet the User's requirements, or that the Site will function properly when used in conjunction with any other software or hardware. The Company does not and cannot guarantee the results that the User can obtain by using the Site. All risks related to the quality of work and performance of the Site are borne by the User.

1.5. A User who fully or partially disagrees with the terms of the Agreement and/or its appendices is not entitled to Use the Site, and is obliged to immediately stop such use.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. The Agreement is the present User Agreement and all appendices to it with all attachments governing the procedure and conditions of use of the Site by Users.

2.2. Offer an offer to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of goods remotely. An appendix to the Agreement governing the purchase of Goods.

2.3. Acceptance of the Agreement is the performance of actions specified in the relevant section of the Agreement by the User, which clearly indicate that the User has fully read, understood and unconditionally accepts the terms of the Agreement and is considered to have joined the Agreement.

2.4. The company is an Individual Entrepreneur Ksenia Nazarenko, OGRNIP 319508100326970, TIN: 503125754933, address: 123376, Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya str., 28, floor 3 room/room/office II/2/1.

2.5. A User is a person who has no legal restrictions for Accepting an Agreement, acting on his own behalf and in his own interests, or in the interests of third parties (at the same time, the person guarantees that he has the appropriate authority), who Uses the Site, any functions and/ or features of the Site. If the User has not reached the age of majority in their country of residence, then such User is required to provide additional documents from their legal representatives, which express their consent to conclude this Agreement and make transactions. Otherwise (including in the absence of legislative regulation of these legal relations), the User cannot accept this Agreement and, as a result, Use the Site.

2.6. Partner is a Website User who has submitted an application for Partner status, for which the Company has made a positive decision to grant the appropriate status, and who has been provided with a unique number.

2.7. Website – a website at https://нейролаб.com , which is managed by the Company.

2.8. Use of the Site is limited by the norms of applicable legislation and the terms of the Agreement and its appendices to the following ways of using the Site by the User, by providing a personal, free, simple (non–exclusive) non-transferable license (without the right to issue sublicenses) from the Company to the User within the specified limits, for a period and within the territory where the Site remains accessible to the User:

  • by reproducing the graphical part of the Website interface, the Website Content on the Device screen, in order to access any functions of the Website for their intended use, as provided for by explicit user functions, as well as the Agreement and its appendices.;
  • using the available Site functionality in accordance with their purpose.

2.9. Website Content is a set of results of intellectual activity (RID), as well as each RID individually, representing the following content of the Website, including, but not limited to: any text information, images, photographs, links, videos, audio recordings, and so on, the copyright holder of which is either the Company or other Users (if such READ became accessible to third parties by the actions of such Users).

2.10. Device – various mobile communication devices (mobile phones, tablets and their analogues), or other devices that emulate their use, as well as computers, laptops and their analogues connected to the Internet, the right to use which belongs exclusively to the User, and the User guarantees the absence of access to such devices by third parties.

2.11. The terms used in the text of this document, which are not defined in this section, are understood in the meaning given to them by the annexes to the Agreement.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. The Company provides access to the Website to Users who have expressed Acceptance of the Agreement, in accordance with the procedure and on the terms stipulated in the Agreement.

4. Acceptance of the Agreement

4.1. Acceptance of the Agreement implies the User's consent and accession to the following documents, as well as to any other annexes to the Agreement, which are referenced in the Agreement or in the specified documents:

  • This User Agreement;
  • Offer to conclude a contract for the sale of goods remotely;
  • Privacy and Cookie Policy;
  • Rules for making payments and refunding payments

4.2. The Agreement is accepted by the User performing the following actions: Checking the box by the User when sending them an application for Partner status:

"I agree to the terms of the User Agreement, the Offer to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of goods remotely, the Privacy Policy and the processing of Cookies and their applications"

4.3. In the event that the User does not apply for Partner status, studies the Site, or uses the Site's functionality, such a User is also considered to have accepted the terms of the Agreement in full.

4.4. Выражая Акцепт Соглашения, Пользователь гарантирует, что:

  • has reached the age of 18 (as well as the age of majority in his country of residence), and that there are no circumstances preventing the User from fulfilling his obligations under the Agreement in full;
  • he has fully read the text of the Agreement and understands its terms.;
  • the Acceptance of the Agreement provided will be complete and unconditional. Partial Acceptance of the Agreement, or “conditional” consent is not allowed.

4.5. In the event that at the time of the User's Acceptance of the Agreement, all of the above guarantees were respected, but during the execution of the Agreement, the User ceased to comply with one or more of the above guarantees, he is obliged to immediately stop Using the Site and immediately notify the Company. Subsequently, such User is obliged to act according to the instructions received from the Company, and the Company has the right to delete such User's Account and terminate the Agreement immediately.

5. The term of the Agreement

5.1. The Agreement is considered concluded with the User from the date of its Acceptance of the Agreement until the termination of the Agreement on the grounds provided for in the Agreement.

6. Amendment and termination of the Agreement

6.1. The Company has the right to amend the text of the Agreement at its discretion and at any time. The Company publishes the amended version of the Agreement as soon as the changes are made. The User undertakes, at his own risk, to regularly check for changes to the Agreement (but at least once every 14 days), and bears all risks of violating the amended terms of the Agreement.

6.2. The Agreement is considered terminated upon deletion of the User's Personal Account.

7. Getting Partner status

7.1. To use the main functionality of the Website (online store), the User must obtain the status of a Partner. As a general rule, the Partner status is assigned by the Company based on the submitted application. To receive the Partner status, the User must specify their Telegram account.

7.2. In order to apply for Partner status, the User must fill out a form on the Website. By filling out the specified form, the User guarantees that:

  • The entered data will be complete and reliable.;
  • The User is and will be the sole owner and rightful owner of the email address (e-mail), phone number and Telegram account. Entering and using other people's data is not allowed.;
  • Understands that all actions performed using the provided data are considered committed by himself, and the User bears all risks for compliance with the specified guarantee.;
  • I am aware of the need to observe proper security measures in order to prevent access to third-party e-mail.;
  • The Site will be used in accordance with legal requirements.

7.3. After entering the data, the User must fully read and agree to the terms of this Agreement by checking the appropriate checkbox. Please note that agreeing to the terms of this Agreement is a prerequisite for obtaining Partner status.

7.4. After filling in all the required fields and clicking the "Submit" button, the application for Partner status is considered submitted and is subject to review by the Company. After linking the Telegram account, the User is considered to have received the Partner status successfully completed.

7.5. The Company has the right to refuse to grant the User Partner status if the Company has reason to believe that:

  • the data entered by the User is unreliable;
  • The use of the Site is carried out or will be carried out by the User in violation of the guarantees provided;
  • The User, at the discretion of the Company, commits actions that harm or may harm the Company's reputation.

7.6. The Company has the right to revoke the Partner status already assigned, regardless of the date of assignment of the specified status. Cancellation occurs in the same cases as the refusal to obtain Partner status.

8. Termination of Partner status

8.1. The Company has the right to terminate the Partner status in the following cases::

  • at the User's direct request by e-mail;
  • if the User did not provide the information at the Company's request, which caused the suspension of the Partner status.;
  • if the User is inactive for a period of 365 (Three Hundred and sixty-five) consecutive calendar days. Lack of activity refers to the User's failure to purchase Goods. In this case, such a User is considered to have instructed the Company to revoke his status and terminate this Agreement.

8.2. Upon cancellation of the Partner status, the Company has the right to store information about all actions performed by the User, subject to the terms of the Personal Data and Cookie Processing Policy.

9. Restricting access to the Site

9.1. The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend the User's access to the Site indefinitely, or permanently, if temporary blocking is impossible or unacceptable, at any time without prior notice in the event of a violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement, as well as the detection of fraudulent actions on the part of the User, including:

  • attempts to carry out fraudulent operations on the Site;
  • dissemination of false, defamatory and defamatory information against other Users, the Company, management, shareholders, employees and affiliated persons of the Company;
  • the promise of guaranteed "profits" of any kind;
  • the promise of guaranteed "passive income" of any kind;
  • use of forged identity documents and other documents;
  • misleading other Users;
  • unauthorized use of the Website;
  • financial motivation of potential Users (payment of monetary rewards to new Users);
  • direct or indirect offer of any other business or participation in any other projects to Users on the Company's resources (chats, groups on social networks) or directly in personal messages on messengers or social networks (upon receipt of complaints and evidence from other Users).

10. Applicable law and dispute resolution

10.1. Applicable law to the relations of the Parties under the Agreement: the law of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The claim procedure for dispute resolution under the Agreement is mandatory for the Parties. The claim review period is 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim. The proper procedure for submitting a claim is to send a claim in writing, duly executed and signed by an authorized person, by registered mail to the address of the Party specified in the Agreement (for the Company), or to the e-mail provided when filling out the Partner status form (for the User).

10.3. If the Parties do not reach a pre-trial agreement on the settlement of the dispute, the dispute must be referred to a competent court for resolution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Company responsibility:

11.1. Under no circumstances will the Company be liable for direct, indirect, or loss of any kind (including, but not limited to, loss of income or profits, as well as data usage).

11.2. The Company does not assume any obligations and responsibilities in connection with the quality of the User's access to the Internet and the quality of the Internet connection, as well as in connection with the presence / absence of the User's equipment and software for Internet access and the quality of such equipment and software.

11.3. The Company is not responsible for failures or other problems in the operation of telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment, software, as well as for failures in the operation of e-mail or scripts (programs).

11.4. The User acknowledges that when using the Site, he sends information to the Company via unsecured electronic communication channels of a public computer network, and the Company is not responsible for the safety of information transmitted through such electronic communication channels of a public network.

11.5. The Company is not responsible for any delays, failures, incorrect or late delivery, deletion or loss of any user data or other information transmitted by the User to the Company, including using the available functionality of the Site. By performing these actions, the User ensures that he has backup copies of all the information being sent.

11.6. The Company does not bear any responsibility to the User for losses, forced business interruptions, loss of user and other data, for expenses (real, indirect, indirect), accidental losses, lost profits, lost income caused by the use and / or related to the Use of the Site by the User.

11.7 The Company does not bear any responsibility to the User for losses caused by possible errors and typos on the Site. However, the Company undertakes to take reasonable measures to prevent and correct such errors and typos.

11.8. The total amount of the Company's liability when Users use the Service, including the amount of penalties (penalties, penalties) and/or recoverable damages, for any claim or claim regarding the Rules or its execution, is limited to the amount of remuneration actually received by the Company from such User.

12. User's Responsibility

12.1. The User is not allowed to:

  • Использовать Сайт в нарушение условий Соглашения.
  • To use the Website, the Content of the Website, except to the extent, in the manner and on the terms specified in the Agreement, its appendices, without express written permission from the Company.
  • Distribute, sell, translate, modify, reverse engineer, or reverse compile or decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the Site or the Content of the Site.
  • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems or networks to which the Site is connected.
  • Вмешиваться и предпринимать действия, которые приведут к вмешательству или нарушению работы Сайта, серверов, на которых размещен Сайт.
  • Use any framing technology using the materials of the Website.
  • Use any meta tags, pay–per–click advertising model, any "hidden text", deeplink links, referring to the Site.
  • Circumvent any encryption or other security measures used on the Site.
  • Use data mining, scraping, or similar data collection and extraction tools from the Site.
  • To sell, lease, transfer, distribute, use as a service or otherwise transfer to third parties access to the Use of the Site, which is provided to the User under the terms of this Agreement.
  • Make any changes to the source code of the Site and its components..
  • Perform other actions that may adversely affect the correct operation of the Site, as well as the reputation and good name of the Company, its managers, employees, customers and other Users.
  • Committing other actions against the Site that violate the norms of applicable law, as well as international norms of legislation on copyright and the use of software.

13. Intellectual property

13.1. Исключительные права на Сайт, любое его содержимое, принадлежат Компании, либо ее контрагентам, все права на эти объекты защищены.

13.2. The User does not have the right to perform any actions with the Site and its contents, except as specified in this Agreement.

14. Final provisions

14.1. The recognition of any provision of this Agreement as invalid or unenforceable and its cancellation should not affect the rest of its provisions, and such invalid / unenforceable provision should be replaced by a valid / enforceable and legally significant provision, as close as possible in its economic content, meaning and effect to the original version of the Agreement.

14.2. The Parties acknowledge that all electronic correspondence between the Parties during the execution of the Agreement has legal force, is recognized by the Parties as an integral part of the Agreement and can be used as written evidence in resolving disputes.

All documents sent using e-mail, telephones (including instant messengers) are considered signed using a simple electronic digital signature, as well as having a reliable digital trace of the sending Party, and are equivalent to a written document.

The Parties have agreed on the possibility of using facsimile reproduction of the signature by means of mechanical or other copying (facsimile signature) in order to fulfill the Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that a facsimile signature has equal legal force with a handwritten signature.

Current links

User Agreement - https://нейролаб.com/terms_of_use
Offer to conclude a contract for the sale of goods remotely - https://нейролаб.com/offer
Privacy and Cookie Processing Policy - https://нейролаб.com/privacy_policy
Rules for making payments and refunding payments - https://нейролаб.com/payments

Individual entrepreneur Ksenia Nazarenko, OGRNIP 319508100326970, TIN: 503125754933, address: 123376, Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya str., 28, floor 3 room/room/office II/2/1.

Regarding personal data issues: privacy@нейролаб.com
For other matters: info@нейролаб.com