Offer to conclude a contract for the sale of goods remotely

This Offer is an official offer from the Seller to the Buyer to conclude a Contract by making a Purchase. By making a Purchase, the Buyer guarantees that he has fully read and agrees with the terms of the Offer.

1. Terms and definitions

1.1. The company or Seller is an Individual Entrepreneur Ksenia Nazarenko, OGRNIP 319508100326970, TIN: 503125754933, address: 123376, Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya str., 28, floor 3 room/room/office II/2/1.

1.2. The Buyer is a User of the Website who has received Partner status and uses the Website to Purchase Goods.

1.3. Product – the Company's products offered for purchase by the Company on the Website under the terms of this Offer.

1.4. Website – a website at https://нейролаб.com , which is managed by the Company.

1.5. The terms used in the text of this document, which are not defined in this section, are understood in the meaning given to them by the Agreement and its annexes.

2. General Provisions

2.1. The Seller sells the Goods through the Website. The request for the purchase of Goods is made by the Buyer and processed by the Seller via Telegram, by placing an order (Order). Further in this document, the sale of Goods on the Website also means the sale of Goods in Telegram.

2.2. The purchase of the Company's Goods takes place only in Telegram. Access to the purchase of Goods is provided to Users with the status of “Partner”, which is subject to the terms of the Agreement.

2.3. The Seller guarantees the high quality of all Products sold on the Site and confirms that they are manufactured in accordance with the highest quality standards.

2.4. By purchasing Goods on the Website, the Buyer agrees to the terms and conditions of sale of the Goods set out in this Offer. In case of disagreement, the Buyer must immediately stop making the purchase.

2.5. The Offer is considered accepted by the Buyer from the moment the payment is made on the Website.

2.6. By purchasing the Product, the User agrees that the Seller may entrust the execution of the contract of sale of the Product remotely to a third party, while remaining responsible for its execution.

2.7. This document, as well as the Product information provided on the Website, are a public offer in accordance with Articles 435 and paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3. The Subject of the Offer

3.1. The subject of the Offer is to provide an opportunity for the Buyer to purchase the Goods presented in the catalog on the Website.

3.2. The Offer applies to all types of Products presented on the Website. The Seller has the right to terminate the sale of any of the Products presented on the Website at any time.

3.3. A remote purchase and sale agreement for Goods is considered concluded from the moment the Seller issues a cash receipt or other document confirming payment to the Buyer.

4. Product Price

4.1. The price of the product on the Website is indicated in Russian rubles per unit of product.

4.2. Unless otherwise stated on the Website, the price of the Product does not include the cost of shipping the Product to the Buyer.

4.3. The price of the Goods indicated on the Website can be changed unilaterally by the Company, while the price of the goods ordered and paid for by the Buyer is not subject to change.

4.4. The total cost of the order consists of the catalog value of the Product and the cost of delivery.

5. Payment for the Product

5.1. Payment for the Goods can be made by making an online money transfer. Payment for the product is confirmed by a cash receipt.

5.2. All non-cash Payment Transactions are performed by the Buyer in accordance with the Rules of Payment Transactions.

5.3. The Buyer bears full responsibility for providing incorrect information, which resulted in the inability of the Seller or his representative to properly fulfill their obligations to the Buyer.

6. Product Information

6.1. Information about the Product is indicated on the Website.

6.2. The Seller tries to be accurate when writing Product descriptions on the Website. However, it does not guarantee that any Product description or other content on the Site is accurate, complete, reliable, up-to-date and error-free.

6.3. The accompanying photos are simple illustrations of the Product and may differ from the actual appearance of the Product. The descriptions/characteristics accompanying the Product do not pretend to be exhaustive and may contain typos. To clarify the information about the Product, the Buyer should contact the Seller.

6.4. If the Goods ordered by the Buyer are not in the Seller's warehouse, the Seller has the right either (1) to cancel the Buyer's purchase by notifying the Buyer by sending an appropriate e-mail message to the address indicated by the Buyer on the Website, by SMS, by the phone number indicated when submitting the application for Partner status (or by calling the call center operator), or (2) in agreement with the Buyer, replace the contents of the Order - To do this, the Buyer may be offered a choice from several items of the assortment of Goods available in the Seller's warehouse, and if the Buyer agrees to change the contents of the Order, he will have to confirm this action on the Website.

6.5. In case of cancellation of a fully or partially prepaid order, the value of the cancelled Product is refunded by the Seller to the Buyer in the manner in which the Product was paid for.

7. Delivery of the Product and refund of payment for the Product

7.1. Information about the methods, as well as approximate terms of delivery of Goods, as well as the procedure for refunding the payment made for the Goods, is indicated in the Rules for the delivery of Goods and the refund of payment, which are posted on the Website.

8. Final provisions

8.1. The recognition of any provision of the Offer as invalid or unenforceable and its cancellation should not affect the remaining provisions, and such invalid / unenforceable provision should be replaced by a valid / enforceable and legally significant provision, as close as possible in its economic content, meaning and effect to the original version of the Offer.

8.2. The Parties acknowledge that all electronic correspondence carried out between the Parties during the performance of obligations under the Offer is legally binding, is recognized by the Parties as an integral part of the Offer and can be used as written evidence in resolving disputes.

All documents sent using e-mail, telephones (including instant messengers) are considered signed using a simple electronic digital signature, as well as having a reliable digital trace of the sending Party, and are equivalent to a written document.
The Parties have agreed on the possibility of using facsimile reproduction of the signature by means of mechanical or other copying (facsimile signature) in order to fulfill obligations under the Offer. The Parties acknowledge that a facsimile signature has equal legal force with a handwritten signature.