4.3. Bank card transactions are performed only by the cardholder.
4.4. Authorization of bank card transactions is carried out by the bank. If the bank has reason to believe that the transaction is fraudulent, the bank has the right to refuse to carry out this operation. Fraudulent transactions with bank cards are a criminal offense.
4.5. In order to avoid fraud, payments made using a bank card can be verified by the Company within the limits of available capabilities. The cardholder user who has made such a payment is obliged, upon request from the Company, to provide a copy of the documents required by the Company to confirm the legitimate use of the bank card. If the requested documents are not submitted by the User within 3 (Three) calendar days from the date of payment or if there are doubts about their authenticity, the Company has the right to suspend the User's access to the Site in whole or in part.
4.6. The User shall independently and at his own expense bear all expenses related to the transfer of funds to the Company, including various fees and commissions of banks and payment system operators. The amount of such fees and commissions is determined exclusively by the relevant banks and payment system operators. At the same time, the Paying User understands and agrees that when making purchases, additional fees may be charged to third parties providing Payment Transactions. The amount of the commission, as well as the conditions for transferring funds for each payment method, are indicated in the interface of the payment system of the person providing payments. The Company is not responsible for the actions of the person providing payments.
4.7. When paying with a bank card, the payment is processed (including entering the card number) on a secure page of the processing system, which has passed international certification. This means that confidential User data (card details, etc.) is not received by the Company, their processing is fully protected, and no one, including the Company (through the Platform or otherwise), can obtain the User's personal and banking data. When working with card data, the information protection standard developed by the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard-Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is applied, which ensures the secure processing of the holder's Bank Card details. The applied data transfer technology guarantees the security of transactions with Bank cards through the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Verifiedby Visa, Secure Code protocols, and closed banking networks with the highest degree of protection.
4.8. Users agree that when requesting a refund in case of cancellation of the purchase, the refund is made exclusively to the same bank card with which the payment was made, if the refund is provided for in the User Agreement and its appendices. The payment refund terms are indicated in the relevant offer, or directly on the Website.
5. Rules for the delivery of goods5.1. The delivery of Goods ordered and paid for by the Buyer in the Russian Federation is carried out by one or more methods available in relation to the purchased Goods.: 1) pickup from the Seller's warehouse, and (or) 2) by the Seller, by involving a transport company or courier service.
5.2. The Buyer has the right to receive information about how the delivery is carried out for each specific Product from the Company before ordering the Product through the Website (hereinafter referred to as the Order), or after paying for the Order.
5.3. If the Order was not executed due to the Buyer's fault (for example, as a result of the latter's absence at the agreed time at the place of delivery of the Goods), the Buyer undertakes to reimburse the Seller for the costs incurred for the delivery of the Goods to return the Goods not delivered due to the Buyer's fault to the warehouse. Subsequently, in order to receive such a returned Product as part of the Order, the Buyer will need to pay for the delivery of the Product again.; At the same time, the Company reserves the right to refuse to re-deliver the Goods if the Buyer is in arrears in reimbursing the costs for the previous delivery of the Goods and their return to the warehouse.
5.4. Delays in delivery are possible due to the action of extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances (weather conditions, traffic jams, accidents, etc.).
5.5. In order to receive the ordered Goods in person, the Buyer must present the original identity document. If another person (hereinafter referred to as the Recipient) receives the Goods, they must present the original identity document, as well as a photocopy of the identity document of the Buyer who paid for the Order, as well as present the original and hand over a copy of the power of attorney from such Buyer to receive the Goods.
5.6. The risk of accidental damage or accidental damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the ordered Goods are handed over to him or the Recipient, which will be signed (by the Buyer or Recipient, respectively) in the documents confirming the delivery and delivery of the Goods.
5.7. In case of non-delivery of the Goods, the Company reimburses the Buyer for the cost of the prepaid Goods and delivery in full after all the circumstances of the loss of the Goods have been established.
5.8. Upon receipt of the Goods, the Buyer / Recipient is obliged to inspect the Goods and open them in the presence of employees of the regional warehouse to check the Goods for compliance with the declared quantity, quality, assortment and completeness of the Goods, as well as to check the integrity of the packaging. In case of claims to the delivered Goods (underinvestment, attachment of Goods other than those specified in the shipment inventory, manufacturing defect, other claims), at the direction of the Buyer / Recipient, employees of the regional warehouse draw up an act on the identified inconsistencies. If the Buyer/ Recipient has not filed a claim in accordance with the above procedure, the Seller is considered to have fully and properly fulfilled his obligation to transfer the goods.
5.9. In case of return of the Goods due to claims to their assortment, quality or completeness, the Recipient must attach the following documents to the returned Goods: (1) a copy of the Act on the identified Discrepancies; (2) a copy of the inventory of the shipment; (3) the return form; (4) a copy of the payment receipt and an application for a refund (if an advance payment has been made).
5.10. If the Recipient has not filed a claim in accordance with the above procedure, the Seller is considered to have fully and properly fulfilled his obligation to transfer the goods.
5.11. Upon receipt of the Goods at the regional warehouse, the Buyer must sign a bill of lading containing a list of ordered and transferred Goods, or a universal transfer document (UPD).
5.12. Upon receipt of the Goods from the transport company or courier service, the Buyer / Recipient is obliged to inspect the delivered goods and check them for compliance with the declared quantity, assortment and completeness of the Goods, as well as to check the integrity of the packaging. If there are no claims to the delivered goods, the Buyer signs the "Order Receipt Form" or other similar document provided by the courier / representative of the transport company. The signature in the delivery documents indicates that the Buyer / Recipient has not claimed the goods and the Seller has fully and properly fulfilled its obligation to transfer the Goods.
5.13. The Buyer bears full responsibility for providing incorrect information, which resulted in the inability of the Seller to properly fulfill its obligations to the Buyer.
5.14. The Buyer understands and agrees that:
- delivery is a separate service that is not an integral part of the goods purchased by the Buyer, the execution of which ends at the time the Recipient receives the goods.
- Claims to the quality of the purchased goods that have arisen after receiving and paying for the goods are considered in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection" and the Seller's warranty obligations. In this regard, the purchase of goods with delivery does not give the Buyer the right to demand delivery of the purchased goods for warranty service or replacement, does not allow for warranty service or replacement of goods by visiting the Buyer, except in cases expressly provided for in the Federal Law "On Consumer Rights Protection", and does not imply the possibility of refunding the cost of delivering goods of proper quality. in cases where the Buyer is entitled to a refund for the product as such, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Protection". The return and exchange of goods of inadequate quality is carried out in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.15. The User is considered to have agreed to these Rules at the time of making an Order on the Site.
6. Rules for the exchange and return of goods6.1. The Buyer has the right to cancel the purchase of the product at any time before its payment.
6.2. If the refusal or return of the goods purchased from the Seller is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 “On Consumer Rights Protection", the Buyer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before receiving them, and after handing over the goods – within 7 (Seven) days. It is not possible to exchange or return food products of proper quality.
6.3. If the goods of inadequate quality were handed over to the Buyer, and this was not agreed in advance by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to use the provisions of art. 18 "Consumer rights in case of defects in the goods" of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection".
6.4. Claims for a refund of the amount of money paid for the goods are subject to satisfaction within 10 (Ten) days from the date of the relevant claim in accordance with art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Rights Protection".
6.5. The methods of refund of funds paid for goods of inadequate quality are determined by the Seller with the consent of the Buyer and indicated in the refund application.
6.6. Promotional Products and gift items may not be available for replacement and refund and may, at the Seller's discretion, be exchanged exclusively for goods of equal value.
6.7. If the product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to a typo or error in the price information or product information, the Seller has the right to cancel any purchases made at an incorrect price. If the payment for the purchase has already been withdrawn from the Buyer's payment card and the purchase has been canceled, the Seller undertakes to refund the funds immediately.
7. Warranty obligations7.1. Warranty period - the period of time established by the Seller, the legislation of the Russian Federation or the Contract in days, months, years, or the operating time set in hours, cycles of operation, kilometers or other similar indicators, which are calculated from the date of manufacture, purchase of the Goods, during which the Seller guarantees the quality of the Goods, provided that they are properly use and storage.
7.2. If a warranty period is established for the Product, the Buyer has the right to make claims related to defects in the Product if defects in the Product are found during the warranty period.
7.3. The Warranty period begins to run from the moment the Goods are handed over to the Buyer/ Recipient, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
7.4. The warranty period for the component product is considered to be equal to the warranty period for the main product, and begins to expire simultaneously with the warranty period for the main product. When replacing a component product, the warranty period is not recalculated.
7.5. The calculation of the warranty period begins:
- From the date of delivery of the Goods;
- If the date cannot be set, from the date of manufacture of the Product;
- For seasonal Goods — from the moment of the beginning of the season;
- In case of remote sale — from the date of delivery of the Product.
7.6. Warranty service is the free elimination of defects in the Product caused by the manufacturer, provided that the Buyer complies with the operating rules established by the manufacturer.
8. Final provisions8.1. In everything else that is not regulated by the provisions of these Rules, the Parties are guided by the provisions of the Agreement and its annexes, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.2. The recognition of any provision of these Rules as invalid or unenforceable and its cancellation should not affect the rest of its provisions, and such invalid / unenforceable provision should be replaced by a valid / enforceable and legally significant provision, as close as possible in its economic content, meaning and effect to the original version of the Rules.
8.3. The Company may implement other Payment Transaction methods, the procedure for which will be regulated by a document posted on the Website. When using such a means of making Payment Transactions, the User undertakes to familiarize himself with the relevant documents governing the procedure for making such a transaction before making a Payment Transaction, and to make a Payment Transaction only after accepting their terms in full.
8.4. In order to further identify the User, the Company reserves the right to request additional information from the User.
8.5. By continuing to use the Site in terms of making Payment Transactions using any Payment Services, the User hereby confirms his agreement with the relevant user agreements, other documents of the Company, as well as banking or other organizations providing Payment Services. To the maximum extent possible, the User confirms his consent to the processing of personal data on behalf of the Company by third parties, including, but not limited to: a payment system, a fiscal data operator, and also agrees to receive an electronic receipt to the User's phone number or email address.